Kubernetes Series Learning Note 2: Core Concept and Yaml Config

After learning cluster components in the last note, I plan to cover some of the core concepts in Kubernetes and deployment.

Core Concept


Pod is an core concept in Kubernetes. Intuitively, we may think deployment is just putting an application on a machine or we say node to host so that other people can access through a link. But obviously putting an application randomly somewhere in a node is hard to manage and even integrate with other applications later. As we mentioned last note, Kubernetes is a tool used for deployment taking communication, resource allocation, access, migration and so on among various services or applications into account. To achieve these functionality easily, Kubernetes introduces the concept of Pod.

A Pod is a single instance holding an application and it is the smallest object we can create in Kubernetes. If more and more users try to access an application, we probably need spawn up a new application to share the load. In Kubernetes, we actually spawn up a new pod capsuling the same application instead of spawn up a same application inside the same pod. Pods usually have 1 to 1 relation with the container running the application. But a pod can also hold multiple containers. Considering if we containerize an application with docker compose, it means an application is combined with multiple containers. If we would like to deploy this application in a pod, the pod actually holds multiple containers under this situation.


To prevent user losing access to the application, we intend to have replica application in the node. The replica controller in Kubernetes helps create replica application inside the node to achieve the high availability of the application. Another reason we need replication is that we can share the load of an application to make sure the application is scaling. Instead of just create replication inside on node, we can create replication cross different nodes to balance the load when de demand increases.

One remark for replica in Kubernetes is that if we define the replica size is 4, the application will always have 4 replica running. Even if one of the replica is down, Kubernetes will coordinate to re-create a new replica to make sure the replica size is 4.


Before jumping into the deployment config, we introduce a little bit about deployment. Considering CI/CD we mentioned in another blog, deployment is actually how to make sure the application get updated continuously such adding new functionality or rollback to previous version without down time. Kubernetes here is trying to update pods and replicas related to a application one by one to make sure the application to get updated without down time. To make this happen, we have to create a deployment object for an application.


After we have applications as the pods or replicas in some node, the problem now is how a user can access the application pod or replicas in a node. Here comes the services in Kubernetes. We have to wrap the related pods or replicas up as a service so that user can access the service through an so-called entrance. A service is mapping a port on a node to a port on a pod.

There are three types of services:

  1. NodePort(Accessed externally outside the cluster)
  2. ClusterIP(Accessed internally within the cluster)
  3. LoadBalance

Yaml Config

Normal pattern of yaml config is as follows,



In Kubernetes, we have 4 kinds of instances as follow,

kind apiVersion
POD v1
Service v1
ReplicaSet apps/v1
Deployment apps/v1

This is basically how to fill up the first two line of configuration.

For metadata, it is actually a dictionary defined there, usually including name, labels and so on. Spec configuration is basically adding containers inside the instance. Let’s go through these 4 types of instances configuration in Kubernetes one by one.

POD config

This is a pod-definition.yaml file for capsuling a redis application and it is easy to understand the config file given the general introduction of the yaml configuration.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: redis
    app: myapp
    tier: db # tier here can be considered as type
  containers: # the container inside the pod
    - name: redis
      image: redis:alpine

If we have kubectl installed, we can run kubectl create -f pod-definition.yaml to get the pod created. We can use kubectl get pods to view the new pod that we created.

ReplicaSets Config

The main difference between pod and replica config is the spec definition. In replica config, the spec is actually containing a pod definition as we see in previous section. Under spec, we also have replicas to define the size. Furthermore, The selector is a compulsory element in replica config. The matchLabels has to be exactly the same as we defined in metadata. The purpose of labels and selectors is helping replica controller to monitor the replica pods among big amount of pods inside a node.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: myapp-replicaset
    app: myapp
    type: front-end
        name: myapp-pod
          app: myapp
          type: front-end
          - name: nginx-container
            image: nginx
  replicas: 3
      type: front-end

If we have kubectl installed, we can run kubectl create -f replica-definition.yaml to get the replicaset created. We can use kubectl get replicaset to view the new replicaset that we created.

To scale the replica, we can update the replicas definitions with the number we want. We can also run kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f repilcaset-definition.yaml or kubectl scale --replicas=6 replicaset myapp-replicaset.

Deployment Config

The definition of deployment is similar to replica config.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: webapp
      name: webapp
        type: frontend
        - name: web-container
          image: kodekloud/webapp-color
  replicas: 3
      type: frontend

If we have kubectl installed, we can run kubectl create -f deployment-definition.yaml to get the deployment created. We can use kubectl get deployment to view the new deployment that we created.

Service Config

NodePort Service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: webapp-service
  type: NodePort # type of service
    - targetPort: 8080 # port on pods or replicas
      port: 8080 # port on service object
      nodePort: 30080 # port on node
    app: simple-webapp # when there are multiple ports from different pods, we use the app name as selector

If we have kubectl installed, we can run kubectl create -f service-definition.yaml to get the service created. We can use kubectl get service to view the new service that we created.

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